At the weekly Israeli Cabinet meeting today (Sunday), 31.7.11:

At the weekly Israeli Cabinet meeting :1. Prime Minister Netanyahu made the following remarks:”Shulamit Shamir, wife of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, passed away over the weekend.  Shulamit was a woman of principles, an idealist, who stood at her husband’s side throughout his life.  She was a member of the Lehi; she fought for Israel’s freedom.  She was always faithful to the principles of
the Jewish People and the Land of Israel.  She and her husband raised the
wonderful Shamir family, which has contributed, and is contributing, to the
State of Israel in so many areas.  I am certain that I speak for all ministers
and all Israelis as we convey our condolences to the Shamir family on Shulamit’s
I would also like to express deep revulsion
over the murder of
Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzeira
.  I was shocked when I heard about it.
I have spoken with several ministers here, who are also finding it difficult to
recover from this deplorable murder of a man who represented a brilliant
rabbinic dynasty that has given of itself to the public and to the needy.  He
was taken from us in such a brutal fashion.  We convey the condolences of the
entire nation.
We are now in the midst of a complicated and
challenging reality, both internationally and domestically, in the face of which
the Government must act responsibly and sagaciously.  It must take proper and
responsible steps and avoid irresponsible ones.  I must say that today in Israel
we can take the necessary measures because we have acted responsibly and
sagaciously in the economic sphere in recent years.  Thus, we have the tools.
We have a growing
economy.  We have the lowest unemployment in 30 years.
enables us to make the necessary corrections.  We must avoid irresponsible,
hasty and populist steps that are liable to cause the country to deteriorate
into the situation of certain European countries, which are on the verge of
bankruptcy and large-scale unemployment.  I do not think that anyone wants
Israel to reach such a situation.
On the other hand, all of us, myself first and
foremost, along with the members of the Cabinet, we are all aware of the genuine
hardship of the cost-of-living in Israel.  This affects many areas.  Some of the
claims that are being heard are justified and some are not.  We are obligated to
deal with the genuine claims and distress.  Some of them are the result of
distortions in the Israeli economy that have taken root here over many long
years.  Indeed, we must deal with the genuine distress, seriously and
responsibly.  This, without a doubt, compels us to change our list of
priorities.  We will need to do this as well, responsibly and sagaciously.
To this end, I will appoint a special team of
ministers and experts that will propose a responsible and practical plan to
alleviate Israelis’ economic burden.  I ask the team to open a roundtable, to
invite representatives of various groups and sectors, to hear ideas, to hear
claims and to hear solutions, and afterwards to submit a plan for implementation
to the Cabinet and to myself, which we will implement in order to alleviate
Israelis’ economic burden.”
2. Pursuant to Article 23 of the 1959 State
Service Law (Appointments) and in accordance with Finance Minister Yuval
Steinitz’s recommendation, the Cabinet the confirmed the appointment of Gal
Hershkowitz as Finance Ministry Budget Director, effective 8.8.11.
3. Pursuant to Article 23 of the 1959 State
Service Law (Appointments) and in accordance with National Infrastructures
Minister Uzi Landau’s recommendation, the Cabinet confirmed the appointment of
Alexander Kushnir as Water and Sewage Authority Director, for a five year term,
effective 31.8.11.
4. Pursuant to Article 23 of the 1959 State
Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet confirmed the appointment of Binat
Schwartz as Interior Ministry Planning Director.
5. Pursuant to Article 21 of the 1959 State
Service Law (Appointments) and in accordance with the Civil Service Committee’s
recommendation, the Cabinet decided to exempt from public tender the position of
Director of Educational Television.  Click here
for further details.
6. The Cabinet approved amendments to the draft
2011 Guaranteed Income Law and authorized the Ministerial Committee on
Legislation to approve the final version.  The Cabinet will request the
Knesset House Committee
to expedite the discussion of the draft
legislation and hold its second and third readings on the day that it is tabled
in the Knesset.
7. The Knesset approved compensation to Gush
Katif and Northern Samaria evacuees regarding synagogue articles and equipment.
Click here
for further details.
8. The Cabinet
this morning approved the NIS 300 million agreement that ends the claims for
compensation by evacuees from Gush Katif and Northern Samaria.
  Click here and here
for further details.
9. The Chairman of the inter-ministerial
committee on determining a policy regarding sanctions against Iran briefed
ministers on the administrative and regulatory measures formulated by his
committee and on the situation regarding implementation of the committee’s
recommendations.  Click here
for a PowerPoint presentation (in Hebrew).
10. The Cabinet approved the expansion of
National Civilian Service for the years 2012-2015.  Click here
for further details.