Yediot Aharonot opines that „The Americans are concerned: If a decision is not made to extend the freeze by Sukkot – the talks are in danger of collapse.”
Ma’ariv contends that „Netanyahu is proving, not for the first time in his term, that he is starting to learn and to listen. He listened, at least partially, on certain socio-economic affairs (VAT on fruits and vegetables, the children of illegal foreign workers, and more) and he is also listening to the world and is acting, it would seem, to the best of his ability. Cut him a bit of slack.”
Yisrael Hayom says that „The new weapons deal between Syria and Russia, announced during the Russian Defense Minister’s visit in the US, is a slap in the face to Washington, no less than to Israel.” The author also points out that „It is clear that it must be considered that these weapons will also make their way to Lebanon for the sake of strengthening the organization (Hezbollah), which is already much stronger in comparison to the one Israel fought in 2006.”
The Jerusalem Post notes the increasing radicalization of the Palestinian population in both Gaza and the West Bank, and the negative effect this will have on the outcome of the peace process. The editor remarks that „[PA Chairman Mahmud] Abbas can begin to change this, if not in Gaza then at least in the West Bank,” and adds that central to any hope of substantive progress in the peace process is that Abbas delegitimize the hate-mongering against us.
Haaretz claims that „Interior Minister Eli Yishai seems to be set on leaving a legacy as a lawmaker who led Israel backward,” and says that even before the uproar over his inane bid to suspend daylight saving time died down, Yishai confirmed his difficulty in understanding the concept of individual freedom and the term ‘accessible government’ by blocking access to the Interior Ministry’s website on the Sabbath. The editor declares that if the government doesn’t restrain Yishai, there’s no telling how far he will go in his attempt to stop the march of time.