HA’ARETZ 1. US SOURCES: US ADMINISTRATION WILL AGREE TO BUILDING IN SETTLEMENTS TO ALLOW FOR NATURAL GROWTH. Non-Aligned movement: prevent settlers entering as tourists. 2. LABOR REBEL FRONT: AGAINST PERES, AGAINST UNITY. 3. LAPTOPS BANNED ON FOREIGN FLIGHTS IN BEN GURION. 4. TOURISM CRISIS BUT JEWISH YOUTHS EAGER TO VISIT. HATZOFEH 1. New York Times revealed that US will recognize „natural growth” in settlements. STRETCHING OUT A HAND TO SHARON. US planning to silently support building in built-up areas in a number Judea and Samaria settlements, according to information given to the New York Times by official sources. According to the report, the US will support building, as long as it does not expand into areas that are not already built and expand existing settlement borders. Official source in Washington said that this is a secret policy decision, accepting ‘natural growth’ in a number of settlements. Senior officials in the US administration noted that Bush needs conservative votes that support Israel in the US.

2. NASRALLAH: PRISONER DEAL TO BE RENEWED SOON. 3. „REBELS,” LABOR STYLE – SENIOR OFFICIALS ASSEMBLE AGAINST PERES. Today assembly of „Real Labor” acting against unity government to be held. 4. NEXT HOPE IN OLYMPICS – SURFER GAL FRIEDMAN WENT UP TO FIRST PLACE. (.) MA’ARIV 1. 115 countries initiating sanctions against Israel. „NO ENTRANCE TO SETTLERS” Foreign Ministers of non aligned movement threatening: we will not let Israeli tourists who are residents in the territories enter. Among countries: India, Thailand, Nepal, Burma, Colombia and Peru. 2. REBELLION IN LABOR: SENIOR OFFICIALS AGAINST PERES. Peres: I got a message from Sharon – „let’s continue negotiations.” YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. BUSH GAVE GREEN LIGHT TO BUILDING IN TERRITORIES. New York Times: Administration agreed secretly to expand settlements for natural growth. In political sphere – Peres promises primaries but Labor angry: he should go home. Sharon sends message to Peres: want you in. _____________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Hatzofeh criticizes Prime Minister Sharon for „being democratically elected on one platform but putting the exact opposite into effect,” for „spitting on the party platform and doing whatever he likes.” Yediot Ahronot comments on the high cost of petrol. BPI-info