Summary of Editorials from the Hebrew Press 



Yediot Aharonot discusses the legacy and fate of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.  The author cites a senior Arab journalist who, while not making light of Mubarak’s shortcomings, claims that he was incomparably better than any of Egypt’s previous three rulers: King Farouk, Nasser and Sadat.  The paper acknowledges that Mubarak is gravely ill and asks, „Let him die in peace.”

Ma’ariv believes that the current protests against housing prices „are not about ‘the State of Tel Aviv’ but about the entire State of Israel,” and are indicative of the plight of the Israeli middle class.

Yisrael Hayom notes that „Exactly 400 days after she ran amok on the deck of the Mavi Marmara as it made its way to Gaza, MK Hanin Zoabi was barred from the Knesset plenum yesterday for 2.5 weeks,” and adds that „What a pity that MKs with good intentions achieved a poor result.”  The paper believes that „This is mainly because the Ethics Committee’s decision indicates a failure and rift in Jewish-Arab dialogue inside Israel.  Zoabi has not been insulted; she doesn’t care; being barred from the Knesset is a medal in the eyes of her voters.  That is the real tragedy, the era of the Tower of Babel, one sector does not understand the other.”  The author asserts that despite Zoabi’s „abhorrent remarks,” the Knesset should realize that „Such a light, headline-grabbing punishment will only goad Zoabi’s colleagues in the Arab factions into taking extreme positions,” as they vie to curry favor with their voters.  The paper says that if the Israelis on the flotilla broke Israeli law, they should be tried, and that if they are MKs, their immunity should be lifted.  The author contends that ‘There is no point in a parliamentary punishment that befits a gentlemen’s club in London.”

The Jerusalem Post commends the “cabinet’s decision on Sunday to approve a NIS 5 billion plan to encourage individuals and corporations to produce electricity using solar and other forms of renewable energy,” and states that “investing in solar and other renewable energy sources will help make Israel completely energy independent, an important national goal.”

Haaretz declares that “Israel’s ‘equality under law’ doesn’t apply to Palestinians,” and states: “Israel’s pretention to be a country in which equality under the law prevails appears ridiculous in the face of the other justice system that applies to juveniles that are not Palestinian.”
