2. Washington: UN administration efforts not to involve Israel in war with Iraq, unsuccessful at home. CHARGES IN US: JEWS INITIATED IRAQ WAR FOR ISRAEL’S BENEFIT. 3. NETANYAHU TO PROPOSE REFORMS IN CHILDCARE DISTRIBUTION. NIS 146 for first three children. NIS 292 for fourth child and up. Finance Minister approves VAT on fruits and vegetables. Proposal to cut NIS 1.0 –1.5 billion from defense budget. Benefits for settlements and development towns. Budget changes to be presented next week. 4. ISRAEL PUTTING TOGETHER TREATY AGAINST SUICIDE BOMBERS. Treaty to restrict trade and use of shoulder missiles against planes – in draft stages. 5. JERUSALEM TO BE EXPANDED TO THE WEST WITH TENS OF THOUSANDS OF FLATS. HATZOFEH 1. (…). INTELLIGENCE HEAD: ATTACK AGAINST IRAQ EXPECTED NEXT WEEK. Mofaz: danger to Israel during war is low – but we are well prepared. Said that attack will be postponed if Turkey prohibits operations from its land. (…). 3 US patriot batteries deployed in center. 2. SIGNS OF FIRST COALITION CRISIS. Rabbi Yitzchak Levy: dismantling Religious Affairs Ministry does not mean religious services will cease. MA’ARIV 1. (…). 300,000 SOLDIERS WAIT FOR ORDERS. (…). Intelligence chief: war can break out any day. 2. ISRAELI CONCERN: IRAN IS INFILTRATING FATAH. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. (…). INTELLIGENCE CHIEF: WAR – MAYBE NEXT WEEK. (…). ________________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Hatzofeh says that Rabbi Yitzchak Levy’s refusal to begin his new position in Ministry of Religious Affairs is “the first crisis in the new coalition, which should not be taken lightly.” The editors believe that while there have been many calls for dialogue between religious and secular, it is apparent that “Lapid and his friends, have a clear agenda which completely contradicts the religious-Zionist experience and vision of the State of Israel.” The paper urges the NRP to ensure that Israel retains its Jewish character. Yediot Ahronot believes that the war will begin in about one week and says that “America must beat Iraq, terror, and the culture that gave birth to terrorist organizations.” Yediot Ahronot, in its second editorial, compares ministers such as Shaul Mofaz and Tommy Lapid who all entered the political arena “only after a different and successful career,” with a large number of new ministers “who have not done anything with their lives up to this point.” The editors say that for many of these ministers “the Knesset is their profession and their livelihood.” Yediot Ahronot, in its third editorial, urges the new government to “remember Azam Azam in Cairo and Elchanan Tenenbaum in Beirut.”