Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press
Az izraeli lapok vezércikkeiből angolul |
19 June 2018
Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press |
Today’s issues: The royal visit, ignoring racism in Afula, kicking the PA’s weakening body, and more than just sport. |
The Jerusalem Post is pleased that a proposed bill that would make it illegal to distribute video or audio footage of IDF soldiers – infamously known as the ‘Elor Azaria bill’ – is on its way to being de-toothed and neutered, and states: “when aberrant actions are taken, it shouldn’t be the whistle-blowers who are blamed.” The editor believes that “We should take pride that our democratic process values transparency in protecting the rights of victims and prosecuting those in power who abuse such rights. That is Israel’s strength as a democracy and what makes it different than the other countries which surround it,” and asserts: “If the IDF is the most moral army in the world, as we are frequently proud to state, then we shouldn’t be afraid to let our actions speak for themselves without a veil of censorship or secrecy.” |
Haaretz calls for the release from detention of Palestinian parliamentarian Khalida Jarrar, who has already spent a year in jail without trial and to all intents and purposes is a political prisoner, and asserts: “The wholesale use that the Shin Bet, the army and the military courts have made of administrative detentions over many years has resulted in the public’s indifference to this inhumane, unacceptable procedure and made it seem self-evident. This is precisely why the Israeli legal system’s intervention is required. It must take upon itself the battle to abolish, or at least restrict, the use of administrative detention.” |
Yediot Aharonot discusses the IDF’s move from concrete deterrence of terrorists dispatching incendiary kites and balloons from Gaza to general deterrence against the government responsible for this activity, and declares: “At this time, we must wait and see whether the change in the IDF’s response will make Hamas prevent the launching of incendiary kites and balloons. If that doesn’t happen, people will start being targeted in the strip.” |
Israel Hayom states that “Just because incendiary kites launched from Gaza are not lethal weapons does not mean they are not an attack on our sovereignty, and Israel must respond accordingly,” and declares: “Stealing cows and burning crops do not in and of themselves pose an existential threat. But their cumulative effect does, and a sovereign state must make this go away.” |