Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press
Az izraeli lapok vezércikkeiből angolul
1 May 2018
Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press
Today’s issues: In praise of US-Israel ties, where the immediate threat to Israel lies, between Riyadh and Tel Aviv, and stop playing make-believe. |
The Jerusalem Post contends that “The relationship between the United States and Israel has never been stronger,” but cautions: “one area that definitely needs improvement is Israel’s relationship with American Jews. This is especially true of the younger generation whose liberal ethos often puts them at odds with what they perceive as Israel’s aggressive nationalism.” |
Haaretz slams Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “unnecessary and showy presentation” last night regarding Iran’s nuclear capabilities, which was aimed at persuading “the United States and European countries to withdraw from the nuclear agreement with Iran,” and argues that Iran is not Israel’s biggest worry. The editor asserts: “The immediate threat actually lies in a potential conventional confrontation in Syrian territory,” and declares: “Proof of unexpected developments lies in the very fact that Israel, which had maintained a policy of noninvolvement in the Syrian arena, has become actively and dangerously involved and may be dragged by its sloganeering into a military campaign that will get out of control.” |
Yediot Aharonot comments on the Israel-Saudi relationship on the backdrop of the apprehension of two alleged Israeli Mossad agents there, and declares: “Every time there seem to be internal tensions in one of our neighborhood’s countries, the easiest thing to do is to divert the fire towards ‘the Zionist entity.’ It’s no wonder that less than 24 hours after Defense Minister Lieberman urged the Saudi crown prince to ‘come out of the closet’ about his country’s relations with Israel, Riyadh responded by uncovering two ‘Mossad agents’ in Saudi Arabia.” |
Israel Hayom comments on the information revealed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday night regarding the Iranian nuclear program, and declares: “The world must be forced to see that a benevolent and responsible Iran does not exist – only the same old Iran, dangerous and manipulative, which, unrestrained, will plunge the entire world into a hazardous tailspin.” The author argues that “peeling the Iranians’ mask off isn’t only geared toward pushing Trump to annul the deal (which is expected to happen May 12), but toward reforging an international coalition to again force Iran into a corner – among other means by exploiting its shoddy economy and deepening social rifts between conservatives and reformists,” and, despite little European empathy, notes that Israel is hopeful “that exposing Iran’s activities at this juncture will also disrupt its efforts to establish a foothold in Syria.” |
[Ron Ben-Yishai and Eyal Zisser wrote today’s articles in Yediot Aharonot and Israel Hayom, respectively. |