Yediot Aharonot says that „The revolting murder of Rabbi Meir Avshalom Hai demanded quick justice.
Summary of Editorials from the Hebrew Press
Yediot Aharonot says that „The revolting murder of Rabbi Meir Avshalom Hai demanded quick justice. Apparently, the operational circumstances did not allow for the murderers’ capture, and justified their deaths. The proliferation of worrisome signs of renewed terrorism in Judea and Samaria also justified prompt, accurate and urgent in order to properly deter those who wish to renew violence.” The author professes that „It seems that there was no alternative to unilateral Israeli action, but Israeli decision makers must not forget that without the cooperation of Palestinian security, Israel would find it difficult to ensure the level of security to which it has been accustomed in recent years.”
Ma’ariv claims that „[Military] censorship is being praised. The relatively light media mutiny is perceived as unjustified bitterness by people whose scoop has been taken away from them.” The author opines that „Acceptance of the Censorship’s renewed power reflects how much we are moving backwards.”
Yisrael Hayom reminds us that „The [terrorist] act on an airplane over the skies of Detroit augments a list of arrests in the past year and half, mostly of Muslims or Muslim converts. Al Qaeda is still here.”
The Jerusalem Post calls on world leaders to take a break from their personal holidays and support the Iranian people in their revolt against the corrupt regime that is in power. The editor states that „The more the Iranian people believe the free world is behind them, the more willing they will be to stay in the streets – and the harder it will be for the Khomeinists to muster the nerve to crush their overwhelming sentiment for change.”
Haaretz calls on PM Netanyahu to „boot Lieberman from FM post,” and states that „Israel cannot allow itself to have an extreme and irresponsible politician like Lieberman as its showcase to the world.”
Yediot Aharonot says that „The revolting murder of Rabbi Meir Avshalom Hai demanded quick justice. Apparently, the operational circumstances did not allow for the murderers’ capture, and justified their deaths. The proliferation of worrisome signs of renewed terrorism in Judea and Samaria also justified prompt, accurate and urgent in order to properly deter those who wish to renew violence.” The author professes that „It seems that there was no alternative to unilateral Israeli action, but Israeli decision makers must not forget that without the cooperation of Palestinian security, Israel would find it difficult to ensure the level of security to which it has been accustomed in recent years.”
Ma’ariv claims that „[Military] censorship is being praised. The relatively light media mutiny is perceived as unjustified bitterness by people whose scoop has been taken away from them.” The author opines that „Acceptance of the Censorship’s renewed power reflects how much we are moving backwards.”
Yisrael Hayom reminds us that „The [terrorist] act on an airplane over the skies of Detroit augments a list of arrests in the past year and half, mostly of Muslims or Muslim converts. Al Qaeda is still here.”
The Jerusalem Post calls on world leaders to take a break from their personal holidays and support the Iranian people in their revolt against the corrupt regime that is in power. The editor states that „The more the Iranian people believe the free world is behind them, the more willing they will be to stay in the streets – and the harder it will be for the Khomeinists to muster the nerve to crush their overwhelming sentiment for change.”
Haaretz calls on PM Netanyahu to „boot Lieberman from FM post,” and states that „Israel cannot allow itself to have an extreme and irresponsible politician like Lieberman as its showcase to the world.”