HAARETZ 1. DESPITE DECLARATIONS, OUTPOSTS WILL NOT BE EVACUATED UNTIL END OF MONTH. Today: Police to begin evacuating hundreds of youths who arrived to reinforce Hebron settlers. 2. CONFIDANTS: SHARON OPENED HIS EYES. 3. CONCERN IN LABOR OVER „MEGA-DEAL” BETWEEN PERETZ AND BEN-ELIEZER. 4. BEFORE SHARON WAS HOSPITALIZED, MERIDOR WAS APPOINTED ARBITRATOR BETWEEN INTELLIGENCE SERVICES. 5, ISRAIR: WE WILL OPERATE ROUTE TO NEW YORK WITHIN TWO WEEKS. HATZOFEH 1. Hundreds of right-wing activists to be evacuated from Hebron in coming days. SIEGE ON HEBRON JEWISH COMMUNITY. GOC Central Command signs order banning entry and presence of Israeli and foreign citizens who are not local residents. Yesterday: Approximately 250 police officers sent to city. 15 youths arrested. 2. KADIMA GOVERNMENT. Kadima fmet yesterday for first time since PM was hospitalized and elected Olmert temporary party chairman. New Kadima transitional government ministers approved: Livni Foreign Affairs, Justice and Immigrant Absorption; Ezra Public Security and Environment; Bar-On Infrastructures and Science; Boim Housing and Agriculture; Edri Health and Negev and Galilee Development; Shetrit Education and Transportation; Hirchson Tourism and Communications; Hanegbi minister responsible for secret services; Acting PM Olmert Interior, Finance, Industry and Trade, and Social Welfare. 3. SHARON BLINKED HIS EYES DOCTORS UNDECIDED IF THIS INDICATES IMPROVEMENT IN HIS CONDITION. 4. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE: POLLARD WILL NOT BE RECOGNIZED AS PRISONER OF ZION. 5. HILLTOP YOUTH LEADER ACQUITTED OF ATTACKING PALESTINIANS. 6. HOSPITALIZED JERUSALEM RESIDENT NOT SUFFERING FROM BIRD FLU. 7. SKIES OPENED TO COMPETITION: ISRAIR TO COMPETE WITH EL AL ON NEW YORK ROUTE. MAARIV 1. (
). 2. THANKS TO GRANDSON: SHARON OPENED HIS EYES. „Grandpa, I love you, wake up,” Rotem said to Grandpa Arik on tape. Doctors: Too early to rejoice. 3. „MEGA-DEAL” IN LABOR: PERETZ AND BEN-ELIEZER AGAINST BARAK. Today: Labor choosing its list. Two major camps combining forces. 4. PERETZ PREPARING ANOTHER SPEECH IN ENGLISH. 5. US DOESN’T WANT ISRAELI CHICKENS: „ABATTOIRS ARE INFECTED.” YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. Today: Olmert sending emergency delegation to Putin. HELP STOP THE IRANIAN BOMB. Acting PM’s first diplomatic move. National Security Adviser Eiland and Atomic Energy Commission Director Frank to head delegation. (
). 2. LABOR VOTES. Today: More than 100,000 members to form Labor Knesset list from among 91 candidates. Meretz decided last night: Oron after Beilin. 3. Special. MASKED WOMAN IN HEBRON. This is S, a 15.5-year-old evacuee from Gush Katif, veteran of Hebron riots. „I am in uniform. I threw a stone at a policeman and paint at soldiers.” „After our crying at Gush Katif, this time I will do everything in order to win.” Today: Anyone wearing a mask in Hebron will be arrested. 4. SHATON’S TEAR. Gilad Sharon approached his father’s bed yesterday, like every day, and said: „Good morning.” PM moved his eyes. When he heard voice of grandson Rotem on telephone, he shed tears. Expert: Too early to determine significance. 5. EL AL VS. ISRAIR: CHEAPER, BETTER FOOD, MORE COMFORTABLE. ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Yediot Ahronot suggests that, „The political process has gone from an institutionalized affair, with familiar groups and well-known trademarks to a fluid post-modernist circus in which the public moves from side to side in great numbers according to passing trend that have no explanation aside from the fact that they are indeed happening.” Hatzofeh decries, „the intervention of the security forces,” in Hebron and accuses the Government of willfully ignoring rampant illegal construction by Arabs in Hebron. The editors sharply criticize, „the Government’s wicked policy towards the Jewish residents in Hebron,” and call upon Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to, „look at Hebron with Jewish eyes.”