HAARETZ 1. FIVE ISRAELI DEAD IDENTIFIED IN SINAI, EIGHT STILL MISSING; ISRAEL PARTICIPATING IN INVESTIGATION: SUSPICION THAT BEDOUIN AIDED IN TERRORIST ATTACKS. Number of those killed in terrorist attacks still unclear but seems that most arent Israelis; at least 30 bodies pulled out of rubble in Taba and Ras al-Satan. 2. 10 PALESTINIANS KILLED, INCLUDING NINE-YEAR-OLD GIRL. 10 were killed in Gaza over weekend, one was shot by Palestinians. Change being considered in Operation Days of Penitence deployment. 3. 2-2 IN GAME BETWEEN ISRAEL AND SWITZERLAND. Benayoun scored both goals and left Israel with chance of reaching 2006 World Cup in Germany.
HATZOFEH 1. Sinai horror: At least 20 Israelis dead. PULLING OUT THE BODIES. Number of killed revealed thus far: 33 – including approximately 10 Israelis. Home Front Command personnel pulled out 13 bodies from Taba Hilton. Seven Israelis identified. Another 26 bodies awaiting identification in Nuweiba. Direction of investigation: Attacks were perpetrated by Global Jihad. 2. AFTER ATTACK: VICTIMS EQUIPMENT LOOTED. 3. IDF APPARENTLY PREPARING TO EVACUATE OUTPOSTS ON WEDNESDAY. MAARIV 1. Egyptian police looted bodies. As of now: 33 killed, at least seven missing. FROM AMONG THE RUBBLE. 2. FROM TODAY: DIRECT TRAIN TO BGI AIRPORT. Price of ticket from Tel Aviv: NIS 12. 3. 2-2 DRAW WITH SWITZERLAND. Benayoun scored twice. YEDIOT AHRONOT 1. DEATH AMONG THE RUINS. PM Sharon to Yediot Ahronot: Come home immediately from Sinai. (
). Ugly phenomenon amidst horror: Egyptians looted bodies. Israeli rescue forces turning over every stone among Taba ruins. As time passes, chances of finding survivors shrink. 32 killed as of last night, five Israelis identified among them. 18 missing, including seven Israelis. Identification work difficult and slow. Meanwhile, in Israel: Exchange of accusations over why warnings were ignored. Minister Livnat: People who didnt heed warnings now expect state to rescue them. ______________________________ SUMMARY OF EDITORIALS FROM THE HEBREW PRESS Both papers discuss various issues related to last weeks deadly terrorist bombings in Sinai: Yediot Ahronot says that it is hypocritical to criticize those who ignored warnings not to travel to Sinai given that, the Government repeatedly calls on its citizens – after each large-scale terrorist attack – to carry on with their lives
even when there are hot warnings about the danger of attacks in city centers. Hatzofeh faults the local media for dismissing the repeated warnings against traveling to Sinai as either efforts to punish the Egyptians or attempts by senior security officials to cover themselves. The editors also fault Justice Minister Joseph Lapid in this regard. Hatzofeh, in its second editorial, criticizes the Egyptian government for fostering incitement both against Israel and against Jews, and for trying to appease the various Egyptian extremist groups. The editors suggest that, The current terrorist attack struck at the Egyptian economy – and tourism to Sinai will find it hard to recover from these attacks, but add, However, as things seem, it is doubtful whether the Egyptians will get the message. Yediot Ahronot, in its second editorial, believes that, The terrorist attacks in Sinai diverted the publics attention from Sderot and the continuing cycle of bloodshed in Gaza, and suggests that upcoming Knesset winter session will be very, hot. __________ Yediot Ahronot, in its third editorial, asserts that, Sooner or later, the elections will arrive. The editors refer to the debates between US President George Bush and his Democratic challenger, Sen. John Kerry, and suggest that Israel copy the American system in which the candidates, are required to give cogent answers to tough questions. BPI-info