Az izraeli lapok vezércikkeiből angolul

Az izraeli lapok vezércikkeiből angolul 

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Today’s issues: Fighting fire, the raging fire and Netanyahu’s pyromania, the problem isn’t the rabbi, it’s the Rabbinate, and the arsonists will be made to pay.

The Jerusalem Post is heartened by the fact that no one lost their life in the blazing conflagration that raged throughout the country over the past few days, caused in all likelihood by wanton acts of terrorism, and cautions against extra-judicial action: “Fighting fire with fire is not a helpful metaphor, when racism and incitement can only spark the fire next time.”

Haaretz slams the prime minister and members of his cabinet for their haste in singling out Arabs as the arsonists behind the fires that raged across Israel last week, and declares: “Some of the fires may have been started by arsonists, and there may people who incited others to set fire to houses and forests. But alongside the investigation to uncover the arsonists, if there are any, must come caution, rigorousness and responsibility to stop the political pyromania directed toward an entire group of Israeli citizens.”

Yediot Aharonot comments on the difficulty in finding a liberal and egalitarian IDF chief rabbi, and contends that the solution is “keeping rabbis away from the decision-making process on behalf of the state. The problem, in other words, is not the rabbi. The problem is the Rabbinate.”

Israel Hayom notes: “Hatred knows no bounds and imagination apparently knows no limits when the only expertise is in terrorism. Their joy depends on our discomfort,” and states: “In the face of the dry weather and the flames, we can only pray. Not just for the expected arrival of the supertanker, but for the real supertanker — rain. The ground has never been thirstier for a downpour.”

[Aviad Kleinberg and Boaz Bismuth wrote today’s articles in Yediot Aharonot and Israel Hayom, respectively.